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An Unknown Fact About Google

A magnificent Fact About Google.... I bet 90% of you don't know this Fact... Go to GOOGLE SEARCH BAR...... And type: do a barrel roll 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Now see magic 😂😂😂😂

Facts About Pineapple


Scientific Name: Ananas comosus

Taxonomical Information:

•Kingdom: Plantae

•Order: Poales

•Family: Bromeliaceae

•Genus: Ananas

•Species: A. comosus

What Minerals And Nutrients Do Pineapple Have??

•Calories: 82.5 Kcal

•Fat: 1.7 grams

•Protein: 1 gram

•Carbs: 21.6 grams

•Fiber: 2.3 grams

•Vitamin C: 131%

•Manganese: 76% 

•Vitamin B6: 9% 

•Copper: 9% 

•Thiamine: 9% 

•Folate: 7% 

•Potassium: 5% 

•Magnesium: 5% 

•Niacin: 4% 

•Pantothenic acid: 4% 

•Riboflavin: 3% 

•Iron: 3% 

Benefits Of Eating Pineapple:

•Treats Cold and Cough

•Strengthen Bones

•Good For Teeth

•Prevents Cancer

•Aids In Digestion

•Good for your Eyes

•Reduce Symptoms of Arthritis

•Prevents Hypertension

•Reduces Risk of Blood Clots

•Contain Antioxidants

•Prevents Nausea

•Pineapple Benefits for Skin

•Treats Acne

•Boosts the Body’s Immune System

•Anti-Ageing Properties

•Prevents Pimples

•Treats Black Spots

•Pineapple Benefits for Hair

•Cures Inflammation in Scalp

Disadvantages of Eating Pineapple:

•High Sugar level may cause diabetes

•It may be allergic to some people


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